How to choose models of Rice Popper
First check what product you want to make with Rice Popper. This will help you determine your model.
With Rice Popper, you can make Rice (Grain) Cake and Rice (Grain) Chip

Rice (Grain) Cake
RICE(Grain) CAKE is thick and surface is plate, and shapes are round or square, special shapes etc.
The raw materials used are various such as rice, wheat, buckwheat, barley and corn etc.
Size of cake
Round shape: 25 ~ 110mm
Square or Rectangle: 60x60 / 80x80 / 70x90, etc.

In addition, it can be produced in various shapes such as triangles, hexagons, animals, and plants.
RICE(Grain) CAKES are usually sold in categories such as breakfast cereals, whole grain breads and grain waffle with added salt or as a snack product coated with chocolate.
Popped cake for Circle
Popped cake for Square & Rectangle
Rice (Grain) CHIP
RICE(Grain) CHIP is an expansion of grain or pellets less than Rice Cake, making them crispy and crispy. The grain supply is 30-40% less than rice cake.
The raw materials used are various such as rice, wheat, buckwheat, corn, mixed grain, pellet (potato, corn, soybean). In addition, some beans or seeds may be mixed.
Size and shape
Round: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50mm Circle
Triangle: Height-48, 53, 58mm
Special: Pentagon, Egg, Heart, Star, Ellipse, etc.

In addition, it can be produced in various shapes such as animals and plants.
RICE(Grain) CHIPS are usually sold in the snack chip category with seasoning added.
Note: Rice(Grain) chips can have different surface shapes and textures depending on the materials and settings.
Popped cake for Circle
Popped cake for Triangle & Hexagon
Popped Cakes with chocolate coated
Chocolate coated products are made using round or square popped cakes.
Products that lightly coat chocolate in stripes on the surface use 25/30/35mm round popped cakes, and products that completely coat chocolate on the surface use 60~90mm round or square popped cakes.
Size of cake
Round shape: 25 ~ 90mm
Square or Rectangle: 60x60 / 80x80 / 70x90mm

Popped cake for Circle
Popped cake for Square & Rectangle
Popped Cakes for babies & kids
You can make snack products made of 100% grain that children and babies can eat.
In the case of infants, it is made into an elongated shape so that children can easily hold it with their hands, and for children, animal shapes and character shapes are used.

Popped cake for Kids
Popped cake for Babies
Please visit all models infomation for a wide range of customized shapes beyond round, square and triangle.